
Classical massage
Classical massage improves blood circulation in the skin and muscles, influences possitively absorption of swollen parts, lymph flow, muscular activity, increasing or decreasing the muscle tonus, it has also positive influence on the function of the inner organs as well as psychic condition of a person. Its application is suitable for diseases of the motion apparatus, nerves, digestion system, conditions after accidents and operations on bones, joints, convalescence.
20 minutes
50 minutes
18 €
36 €
Reflex massage
It is applied on places of the secondary changes caused by a reflex disorder. Places of the changed skin sensitivity are sought. Massage improves inner organs, hormonal function, functions of the nerve cells, and the peripheral blood circulation. It is suitable for heart diseases, diseases of the respiratory system, of the stomach, the small and the large intestines. It is recommended for gynecological, neurological, blood vessel diseases, some rheumatic diseases, conditions after operations, accidents, as well as a prevention.
20 minutes
20 €

Gua-sha masáž --- novinka !!!
Guasha nebo také Kváša je tradičná technika masáže. Gua - škrábať, Sha – výsev. Guasha vie z nášho tela vyškrábať nemoc.
Táto metóda je založená na klasických principoch a tradícii čínskej medicíny. Masáž sa robí pomocou tenkej doštičky, která je najčastejšie vyrobená z nefritu. Menej často môže byť tiež kostená alebo z tvrdého dreva. Jedná sa o jednoduchú, bezpečnú, ale veľmi obľúbenú metódu. Používá sa k celkovému ozdraveniu tela, ako aj ku kozmetickej starostlivosti.
20 minutes
20 €
Foot reflex massage
By stimulating specific zones on the feet that correspond to each body, glands and structures of the body emerges in the absolute sense of release and recreation. Massage has beneficial effects on the entire body. It is appropriate to its use in acute headaches, migraines, nausea, stomach pain, gall bladder, or reduction to stimulate the hormonal system. After feelings of fatigue and malaise emerges immediate energizing sensation.
20 minutes
18 €

Silicové oleje sú prírodné silice, ktoré sa získavajú destiláciou z kvetov, listov a ďalších častí rastlín. V masérskej praxi sa riedia v príslušnej koncentrácii do panenských rastlinných olejov. Aromamasáž je veľmi príjemná, odbúrava stres, pracovné zaťaženie, únavu a depresiu, posilňuje imunitný systém, priaznivo vplýva na krvný obeh, nervový systém, trávenie, harmonizuje psychiku a telesné funkcie, nastoľuje rovnováhu a podporuje samoozdravné procesy.
20 minutes
50 minutes
18 €
35 €
Honey detoxication massage
While massaging with honey, toxins leave the body causing detoxication of the organism. The toxins are excreted during the massage to the skin in a form resembling a chewing gum, which is removed by pure warm water. The massage is suitable for headaches, chronic tiredness, insomnia, depressions, rheumatic diseases and has anti-cellulite effects.
20 mimutes
20 €

Manual lymphatic drainage
This massage involves special treatment touches with focus on lymphatic system. Stimulation of the lymphatic system, improves blood and lymphatic circulation, reduces swelling and headache. It is suitable as a prevention of lymphatic swellings of the tumorous diseases, arthroses, rheumatic pains, swelling of the upper and lower limbs. Massage supports drain excess water in the cells, leading to the elimination of edema feet or bags under the eyes. Lymph massage has beneficial effects on metabolism and reduces cellulite.
50 minutes
40 €
Cosmetic lymphatic face drainage
Nowadays it is very favorite relax-regenerative massage, which is appreciated by ladies of all ages. It smoothes skin, promotes hydratation of the face from the inside, avoid wrinkles, gets face rid of swellings, dark circles around eyes and stress. It is suitable after plastic operations, face injuries, for acne, headache, and as prevention of wrinkles.
20 minutes
18 €

Chinese massage TUI-NA
A very efficient massage, which comes from healing methods of the traditional Chinese medicine. Tui-Na speeds up the process of convalescence, and by regulating the yin and yang component it induces inner balance. Acupressure is also administered and the use of a meridian motion aims to open energy routes and increase blood circulation. Using Tui-Na, there are very efficient treated not only problems of the locomotive apparatus, but also indigestion and gynecological problems, exhaustion syndromes, sleeplessness, some kinds of dizziness and headache.
20 minutes
40 minutes
22 €
37 €
Chocolate massage
Čokoterapia má priaznivý vplyv na činnosť srdca a podporuje detoxikáciu. Je výnimočným prostriedkom proti zimnej depresii, stresu a zlej nálade, zanechá pleť jemnú a vyživenú, zahalenú do vône sladkej čokolády. Svaly budú uvoľnené a odpočinuté.
Čokoládová procedúra prináša kvalitnú starostlivosť o pokožku celého tela, významne ju tonizuje a vyhladzuje. Výrazným spôsobom upravuje vzhľad pokožky a celulitídu.
20 minutes
20 €

Breuss massage
Breuss massage focuses on the muscles that are located along the spine.
Massage touches the whole spine relaxes and relieves the pressure on the intervertebral discs. Massage is used St. John's wort oil.
It's subtle energy - manual massage that releases physical and mental blockades.
It's subtle energy - manual massage that releases physical and mental blockades.
20 minutes
20 €
Massage LOMI - LOMI
Lomi Lomi Massage is an original Hawaiian massage. The combination of very fine and fluid techniques puts it among the most popular ways of rest. The massage harmonizes body and soul. It is a massage by a prelact, which thanks to its rhythm and performance has a high therapeutic and relaxing effect. Stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic system. Removes muscle pain, fatigue and tension. Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage requires a loving approach and concentration.
55 minutes
45 €