
There is possible to make your stay in Trenčianske Teplice more interesting by hiking the spa trails or by playing tennis, minigolf (located in spa park near the Swan lake only 850 m from the Most Slávy Hotel), or cycling on the bike which is possible to rent at the recepcion of the hotel. Near the hotel, there is possibility of fishinng or hunting.
Trenčianske Teplice offers rich cultural and social program all year round. The Most Slávy Hotel is situated on the periphery of the park, nearby spa hall - Kúpeľná Dvorana, which is center of cultural events. Chamber music concerts, operas, operettas, shows, folk groups performances or promenade concerts in the park during the festival SUMMER MUSICAL, which is the oldest music festival in Slovakia, attract many visitors every year. International film festival about art and artists, ART FILM FESTIVAL, is held every year in this spa town. It was visited by famous personalities of the screen such as Franco Nero, Gina Lolobrigida, Geraldine Chaplin, Ornela Muti, Sophia Loren, and Nastasia Kinski. Tables with their names are placed in front of the Most Slávy Hotel.