Treatment methods

The treatment relies on various types of electric currents, which improve blood circulation, release tension of striated and smooth muscle or strenghten muscles. Electrotherapy is involved with pain relief and anti-inflammatory. It is used to cure musculoskeletal diseases, circulatory disorders, chronic inflammatory and degenerative diseases, postoperative states, also chronic urological and gynecological infections, diseases of the digestive and respiratory tract and skin diseases.
10 minutes
8 €
Laser therapy
Laser therapy is used to treat pain, pathological changes, skin injuries - burns, wounds, ulcers, decubitus, herpes simplex and herpes zoster. Laser treatment is involved with faster healing of acute inflammation and alleviate symptoms of chronic problems. It positively affects the cellulite, acne, scars, sores and eczema.
10 minites
10 €

Oxygen therapy
Inhalation of air enriched to 40-60% oxygen. Breathing naturally regenerates the body. Oxygen improves physical fitness and mental performance, relieves stress, promotes brain metabolism, stabilizes blood circulation, improves the immune system and slows aging.
60 minutes
10 €
Bioptron lamp
Application of polarized light, no UV radiation and heat. It has biostimulating, analgesic and regenerative effects. Used for healing wounds and restoring tissue - after injuries and operations, to heal burns and pressure sores. Lamp is suitable for joint pain, inflammation of tendons, muscles, joint capsules, improves skin elasticity and softens wrinkles.
5 - 10 minutes
8 €

Peat wrap
Peat contains a large amount of nutrients, natural trace elements, minerals and substances readily absorbable through the skin. Is packed in bags that are heated to the certain temperature. Wrap positively affects the skin cells, improves muscle, relaxes connective structure promotes rapid absorption of blood hemorrhages, antibacterial, and enhances immunity. It is useful against rheumatism, arthritis, painful joints and spine, cellulite and overweight.
20 minutes
13 €
Mobilization and soft techniques
Special method of manual medicine, which affects the reflex changes in muscle and skin, to reduce pain and muscle tension and facilitate the subsequent mobilization or manipulation. Used for the treatment of functional joint blocks, which are painful and limit movement and lead to further pathological reflex changes, especially to points of pain and muscle spasms.
20 minutes
20 €

Mud wrap
Mineral Mud consists of sediments of Dead Sea with high content of magnesium, calcium and potassium enriched extract of aloe vera. Heated black mud is applied as half wrap to the back , coincides with foil and for maintaining the temperature. The result is relaxed, supple and fresh skin. The wrap is useful mainly as a cosmetic treatment of mild, dry and sensitive skin, it regenerates, cleans the dirt, and it nourishes the skin as well.
20 minutes
17 €
The ultrasound treatment uses the conversion of electricity power to a high-energy ultrasound (mechanical and thermal energy), what leads to micro-tissue thermal effect with improved blood circulation, increasing metabolism and accelerating recovery in the area of application. Ultrasound improves blood circulation and nutrition of tissues, tissue diffusion, and has the spasmolytic (relieving spasms), resorbing (promotes absorption of substances into cells), analgesic (pain palliative) and antispasmodic (prevents muscle cramps, especially in organs such as stomach or intestine) effect.
3 - 6 minutes
8,00 €

Principle of magnetotherapy is operation of the artificial magnetic field of certain parameters on the human body. Magnetic field has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and vasodilatory effects myorelaxation, accelerates healing of soft tissue and healing of bone fractures. Magnetotherapy decreases pain and swelling, causes blood vessels to expand and promote metabolism.
20 minutes
8 €
Hydrokinetic therapy - curative gymnastics in water
Therapeutic gymnastics in water, with each guest individually or in groups. The procedure takes advantage of the positive effect of the aquatic environment - the buoyancy of water lifts the patient. Hydrokinetic is especially suitable for unhealed wounds from injuries and surgeries of the lower extremities. It has a positive impact on human health can quickly return lost energy and condition. Provide relaxation and attracts attention from everyday stress. Contributes significantly to the relief of back pain and joint pain.
30 minutes
10 €

Chocolate therapy
Čokoterapia má priaznivý vplyv na činnosť srdca a podporuje detoxikáciu. Je výnimočným prostriedkom proti zimnej depresii, stresu a zlej nálade, zanechá pleť jemnú a vyživenú, zahalenú do vône sladkej čokolády. Svaly budú uvoľnené a odpočinuté.
Čokoládová procedúra prináša kvalitnú starostlivosť o pokožku celého tela, významne ju tonizuje a vyhladzuje. Výrazným spôsobom upravuje vzhľad pokožky a celulitídu.
17 €
Cupping therapa
Treatment banks has been used in China since ancient times. In the past, the use of the treatment as well as preventive and stimulating effects. Cupping regulates the flow of energy and blood, helping pull harmful substances to the surface and eliminate them. Loosening energy and blood, it opens skin pores, thereby eliminating harmful factors skin.
Cupping helps the body
remove old stagnant blood in the dermis
clean skin surface from toxic substances.
enhance the body's natural defenses
promote metabolism
prevents disease
prolong the life of cells
It has therapeutic effects
20 minutes
20 €